Kojigema Institute Hadir Lebih Baik
Hidup dan Berjuang Beriringan bersama jadi lebih baik
Kekuatan hadir jika kita bersatu membangun bersama tanpa perbedaan, Kojigema ingin Indonesia sebagai tempat dimana kesetaraan dibangun tanpa membedakan gender, ras, agama.

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“Life is very hard. The only people who really live are those who are harder than life itself.”
― Nawal El Saadawi, Woman at Point Zero ―
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Keadilan Tanpa Batas: Refleksi Akhir Tahun
Berbagai pengalaman kolektif ini membangun empati dan semangat kami untuk bersama-sama memperbaiki cara pandang masyarakat terhadap pemenuhan hak bagi semua orang, termasuk kelompok dengan disabilitas.
Dance4visability : Dance against Stigma on International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Day of Persons with Disabilities itself has been proclaimed by the United Nations since 1992 and also celebrated by the world on December 3rd every year.
Visability Team Raised Community Awareness for Differently-Abled People
Based on data published by WHO, differently-abled people are more than 10 percent than total population.
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